I never had a "green thumb" but for some reason my lettuce garden is very happy for its 2nd year! I had always wanted to have a "vegetable garden" and when 2020 Quarantine started I, along with many, started new activities and projects that we never felt we had time to spend doing.
This became my daily dose of morning "Vitamin N". Once the planting was done, I created a new healthy morning routine. Every day (if not raining) I went outside, filled up the water can, grabbed my gardening gloves and then cleaned up, watered and literally talked to the lettuce! It was very relaxing and mindful - and took less than 10 minutes.
If you too wanted to try growing vegetables from seed here's the process I followed. And, you can do it anywhere and in any kind of container. There's a great show on Amazon Prime called Grow, Cook, Eat and there was a segment all about growing vegetables in containers even on patios of apartments!
Here's what I did - if you give it a try - hope it works for you too!
1) Go to a local garden center and purchase the following:
Seeds (Recommend starting with a variety of Lettuce - they grow in various temperatures and settings from April - Nov here in NY)
Garden Soil
Master Nursery Bumper Crop Organic Soil Builder
Espoma Organic Tomato-tone Vegetable Food
Watering Can
And I "picked up" some empty plastic plant containers - the rectangular ones that hold small plants that were being thrown away and used them for my seedling!

2) Mix the Garden Soil and Bumper Crop
3) Fill the containers
4) In each of the sections of the container "dig" rows separated by a few inches about 1/2 way deep
5) Add seeds separated by just a bit so they have their space to grow
6) Cover the seeds with soil
7) Gently water so you don't flood the seeds up
8) Place the containers in a sunny location and up off the ground to help keep away from critters and animals
9) Wait with patience and anticipation for the seedling to grow!
Start your morning "Vitamin N" routine by checking in with your seeds. Gently water them and remember to talk (or sing to them). Play some music and enjoy being in peace with nature.
Once the plants have "grown up" about an inch, move them to larger containers with more room between for more growth. Use the same soil/bumper mix to fill the containers to the top - allowing the most "root room". Then use the organic food in the soil either on top or under or both as you transplant the plants to their new home!
When watering aim for the roots, don't shower over the plants. In a few weeks you'll have larger plants and then when you feel it's time you can "harvest"! Lettuce will just keep coming back. Pull the leaves off toward the bottom but not completely and in another week or so - they grow back several times - it's amazing!
Enjoy the fruits of your labor with this scrumptious recipe from Chef Jeff: Greens, Grilled Shrimp and Gratitude