An amazing organization I follow and volunteer for is Partnership for a Healthier America. Their mission is that all children grow up into adults free of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions. They accomplish this through three strategic objectives: 1) Transform the Marketplace, 2) Cultivate Healthy Environments and 3) Showcase/accelerate scalable work to improve food options and increase physical activity.
I attended their Virtual Summit today with Michelle Obama, their Honorary Chair providing wonderful opening remarks. CEOs of major food industries discussed their focus on the now and COVID19 and the future focus on healthier available options in the variety of shopping venues (from schools, airports, to small/large markets and towns with food deserts).
Check out this amazing The Moth Podcast for an inspirational story by Burnell Colton called "After the Storm".
If there is ever a time to focus on health and wellness of Americans - this is it! Taking small steps toward your improved food selections and increased activity and exercise is the way to start. One small step at a time!
Here's to a Healthier YOU!